Printed out of home refers to static media distributed across physical spaces. These are:
Billboard Billboards (or Bulletins) are usually located in highly visible, heavy traffic areas such as expressways, primary arterials, and major intersections.
Bus advertising Firmly establish brand awareness and generate quick recall with high-profile exposure near point of purchase locations.
Walking Billboards These billboards are strapped on to the human shoulder and are carried along the targeted geographic area.
Wallscape Wallscapes are attached to buildings and are able to accommodate a wide variety of unusual shapes and sizes.
Street advertising The use of pavements and street furniture to create media space for brands to get their message onto the street in a cost-effective approach.
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Advertising Categorized In A Variety Of Ways
Television advertisement It is a span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization. It conveys a message promoting, and aiming to market, a product or service.
Mobile advertising It is a subset of mobile marketing, mobile advertising can take place as text ads via SMS, or banner advertisements that appear embedded in a mobile web site.
Online advertising It is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to promote products and services to audiences and platform users.
Newspaper A newspaper is a periodical publication containing written information about current events and is often typed in black ink with a white or gray background.
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